Raising Outdoor Babies

Woman running with Thule Urban Glide jogging stroller

A lot of people comment on the fact that T never seems bothered by weather. We get outside when it’s freezing (literally my threshold this winter was anything over 20 degrees F), raining, windy, snowing, or piping hot. We don’t have a lot of choice because we live in a place with four seasons, including a sometimes harsh winter. I’m not an expert on child temperament or behavior, but what I know is that from the time he was a few days old, I was taking T outside daily.

It wasn’t always easy getting outside, especially when he was very young, and we had a lot of excursions that were a complete bust. But here are a few tips, and some of the gear that helped us along the way! Please note, I do not get paid for any gear that I recommend on this site. These are items I paid for or were purchased as gifts for us and I truly recommend them.

0-6 Months: Two words: baby wearing. In the early days, we mostly just did walks outside, and my ErgoBaby 360 was my lifeline. I was able to take T on easy hikes, to the beach, around town, to walk the dog, even to Costco, all while wearing him. He usually slept while in the carrier, which made my heart explode, because I know he felt safest when he was held close. The two accessories I used a ton were the infant insert and the winter weather cover (I had a January baby in New England).

6-12 Months: The pre-walking stage was all about exploration, for both of us. I would Google different parks and playgrounds, and then we’d check them out. We struck out a few times, but we mostly found some gems! T would either crawl, or we’d bring his Radio Flyer Tinker Truck (an older version of this), which was his favorite push toy.

On-The-Go Kit: I keep a bin in my car that I swap out seasonally. But it’s always packed with the items I may need, anywhere we go. In the summer, that means, shoes, baseball caps, sunscreen, a towel, a change of clothes, and diapers. In the winter it’s snow boots, mittens, snow pants, jackets, beanies, and of course diapers. I’ve pretty much got a sweatshirt or fleece in there year-round.

Exercise for Mom: I’m a runner. It’s how I stay sane, it’s the number one thing I do for me. So the freedom to get my miles in, even with T, is essential to my mental (and physical) health. I know that all running moms feel very passionate about their jogging strollers, and for most moms I know, that is the BOB. But I will die on the hill that is the Thule Urban Glide 2. Perhaps this is sad to admit, but there have been times, over the last year, where it’s felt like my best friend. I get questions about my jogger preferences, and I love it so much, so I’ll likely do a post specific to the Urban Glide, or a review. Stay tuned!


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