World Breastfeeding Week 2022

To you, breastfeeding mama. The you who made this choice. The you who has felt supported and applauded, only to be questioned later. The you who has nursed in moments of incredible joy, and somehow again during unimaginable grief. The you shielding herself on an airplane, a beach, a park full of people, and the you proudly nourishing your child out in the open, vulnerable to prying eyes and judgement. The you with leaky, engorged breasts, with nipples raw and unrecognizable. Your body is unbelievable, even when it doesn’t feel like it’s your own. To you, middle-of-the-night nurser, who manages to get through it surviving on snuggles instead of sleep. To you, who receives words of encouragement from other mamas, but struggles to find support and understanding in those you need it from the most. To you. And those two incredible milk making machines you’re blessed to have. There’s nothing more beautiful. Nothing harder. To you, breastfeeding mama. You are brave. You are strong. You are not alone. Happy world breastfeeding week.


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